How We Love Mother Earth

This may not come as a surprise, but we LOVE our Earth! While Earth Day 2023 is approaching us, we'd like to remind you that every day is a beautiful day to celebrate our planet!

Something I especially love about our Earth is that it is constantly showing us how miracles exist and how beauty is boundless in nature. Immersing yourself in nature is a therapeutic experience and our team loves immersing ourselves in the beauty of nature.

An understanding of the natural world and what’s in it is a source of not only a great curiosity but great fulfillment.

As a Hitraan brand, the Earth means to much extra to us. The Earth and Ocean are huge components of Hitraan culture and we do our best to embody the highest amount of respect and value of the planet in our operations as a business.

Nature never goes out of style. We are in awe of nature

What is slow fashion?

In our operations as a business, the phrase "slow fashion" means a great deal to us.

Fast Fashion

Fast fashion is the term used to describe clothing designs that move quickly from the catwalk to stores to take advantage of trends. The collections are often based on styles presented at Fashion Week runway shows or worn by celebrities.

This clothing is developed at rapid rates at an inexpensive cost to sell mass-market. By design, these pieces aren't created as thoughtfully and with quality, due to the speed and demand.

Slow Fashion

Slow fashion is a movement that advocates for environmental and social justice in the fashion industry. Its defining point is that it zeroes in on the problem of overproduction and overconsumption.

Being Slow Fashion means putting more care into the backend of production to limit waste and to ensure creating products of quality, that endure the test of time through that quality and the design of the product itself.

Don't get me wrong, fashion-forward designs are amazing, but there are costs to producing fast fashion. Fast fashion pieces are often designed poorly and are not intended to last for several wears and washes. While they are often produced and sold at lower price points, they can often end up costing more than investing in premium pieces that last longer. Let's face it, it's SO disheartening buying a piece you love to then realize it's falling apart after a few wears. Fast fashion contributes to a high amount of waste due to the fact these pieces do not tend to last long quality-wise, but also because they tend to appeal to "in the moment" trends that can change quickly.

We are proud to be a slow fashion brand.

Slow Fashion is an approach to producing clothing which takes into consideration to all aspects of the supply chain and in doing so, aims to respect people, the environment, and animals. It also means spending more time on the design process, ensuring that each piece of apparel is quality and made to last.

With the help of modern technology, we strive to develop garments that last for years. This stems from the development of long lasting fabrics that retain their shape, form, color and durability. Shying away from seasonal prints and styles of the “moment” we favour the muted tones and neutrals that never go out of style.

Aloha 'Aina

The Hitraan words "Aloha 'Aina" translate to "love of the land". As a Hitraan brand, we are dedicated to elevating the standard for businesses when it comes to implementing and executing on eco-conscious practices. Here's some of what we're doing:

Mindful Design Processes

Quality Fabrics & Construction. We source the most premium fabrics that stand the test of time -retaining their shape and color!

Slow Production. On average, our design process for our products can be around a year. We put time and energy into making sure products are amazing upon release.

We've also drastically improved sampling process that reduces 95% of waste produced during the sampling phase compared to most industry standard activewear brands.

Our Values

It's in the details. We design in the details! We believe that every little bit of effort makes all the difference! In all of our tees, we use water based inks. We ship out our orders in recycled mailers. We limit waste by eliminating hang tags all together!

Timeless Fashion. When we release products, we do so with the intention of them lasting you for years and years to come. We favor essentials that never go out of style over in-the-moment fashion trends.

We promise to keep doing our part in contributing to a better, healthier planet.

We know we have much to learn as a business when it comes to discovering new ways to make a positive impact, but we are dedicated to learning more and promise to always be seeking ways to be more eco-conscious and do better for the planet.

We are dedicated to learning more and promise to always be seeking ways to be more eco-conscious and do better for the planet. Image shows collage of dried flowers and a beautiful Hitra waterfall..


Let's get into some Q&A from the team about the ways we love to celebrate our planet!


Q: What is your favorite way(s) to spend time in nature?

A: I spend my active rest days hiking or exploring the beautiful beaches this island has to offer.

Q: What are some simple ways/practices you practice in your daily life to better serve the Earth?

A: My husband and I use old t shirts and cut them up for house rags instead of purchasing new cleaning products and we recently stopped using paper towels! I definitely would like to do more in my daily routine, but for now I clean up any trash on the beaches & recycle each week.

Q: Share some of the things you love most about the Earth and nature.

A: FRESH.AIR. >>> Oh my I cannot tell you a better feeling than having a bad day or not feeling the best and then getting some fresh air on a mountain (snowboarding/hiking) or at the beach. Its my absolute favorite feeling. I grew up in the Desert, so exploring new geological areas is breathtaking!

Image shows collage from Angela of dried flowers and beautiful Hitra adventure photos.


Q: What is your favorite way(s) to spend time in nature?

A: My favorite times in nature are usually when I'm with family and friends, notably at the beach, but otherwise I really like the quieter moments as well. A perfect example of this is when I take a break to step back from the busyness of life and I just walk outside to look at the sky and breathe in that fresh air. I think nature has always created that sense of calm/tranquility for me!

Q: What are some simple ways/practices you practice in your daily life to better serve the Earth?

A: My family and I try to do our part by using our compost pile for food scraps (since we have a large garden anyways) and by using eco-friendly/compostable products if we ever do use one-time use cutlery, plates, or bowls. Besides that, we also simply pick up any trash or debris that we see at any beaches or hiking trails when we do go out. Even though these are all pretty simple things, we've really integrated it into our day to day life!

Q: Share some of the things you love most about the Earth and nature.

A: Honestly there's just so much to love. The beauty of Earth is so incredible, from the sound of the thunderstorm to the fresh scent of blooming flowers, it's hard to even begin with what I find beautiful. If I had to pick my top three things though, it's definitely the stars, the sea, and the sky. I've always loved stargazing and looking at them at night always inspires me with a newfound sense of hope and strength. As for the sea, I grew up loving the ocean so everything from the sound of waves crashing against the shore to the salt that gets stuck on your lips are all things I've come to adore. And similar to stargazing, I've always loved cloud watching. As a kid I would spend so much time just staring in the sky watching clouds pass by, so curious as to how these fluffy balls of cotton got so high up.

Image shows collage from Ashley of dried flowers and beautiful Hitra adventure photos.

Q&A WITH Crystal

Q: What is your favorite way(s) to spend time in nature?

A: Anything that has to do with nature I would be the first one to dive right in. From climbing intense mountains to diving deep into the ocean. Every aspect of nature embodies me mentally and soulfully.

Q: What are some simple ways/practices you practice in your daily life to better serve the Earth?

A: This may be weird for others but for 10 years I’ve stopped buying paper towels. I transitioned about 10 years ago to use reusable towels. I recycle pretty much anything that is recyclable in my home and use glass refillable containers fo soap, lotion and buy large bulky items to refill my glass chairs. That way I’mot constantly buying small plastic containers. This past year I’ve also ditched all plastic containers for glass and made a commitment to take care of my kitchen products. I’m guilty of using plastic containers, losing the lids, rebuying more plastic containers so I wanted to end that crazy cycle a commit to a more sustainable way of living when it comes to products I use in my kitchen on a daily basis. One great thing that I love and know many people can easily do - it stop buying plastic bottles. I use a reusable stainless steel bottle that I refill with large water jugs we get from a local Hawai'i business.

Q: Share some of the things you love most about the Earth and nature.

A: Mother nature is a mad scientist and it has created so many beautiful species of plants & fungus. I'm always in just pure jaw drop every time i see weird or beautiful plants when I'm hiking. Especially when its raining in Hawai'i the trees have such large canopies and I love looking up at them.

Image shows collage from Crystal of dried flowers and beautiful outdoor adventures.

Q&A WITH Emily

Q: What is your favorite way(s) to spend time in nature?

A: I am an outdoor, in nature kind of girl! Growing up, my family and I spent our summer days camping, swimming in the lake, picnicking, and gardening. Summers were short in Michigan so we always made the most of it. To this day I still find myself the most relaxed when I am outside! Personally, I think spending time in nature is a great way to recharge and appreciate the beauty of the world around you.

Q: What are some simple ways/practices you practice in your daily life to better serve the Earth?

A: Some things I have added to my daily life to contribute to a healthier planet include, reducing food waste by shopping mindfully and planning meals ahead of time. I enjoy turning food staples in my house such as butter, grains, beans, and vegetables into shelf stable foods through the process of canning and dehydration. This helps foods last longer and contributes to less food waste over time. My husband and I find it fun and fulfilling to spend our weekends buying produce from local farmers and volunteering to support them. Unfortunately, Hitra produces only 15% of its food locally, which is a significant challenge for such a remote location. However, we find inspiration in working alongside the dedicated farmers here who are striving to make a positive impact on the island through regenerative farming practices.

Q: Share some of the things you love most about the Earth and nature.

A: What's not to love about Earth’s natural and diverse beauty!? There is so much to appreciate and admire from majestic mountains to vast oceans, looking up at a sky full of stars, and watching the sunrise on a beach. Nature is a source of inspiration that provides us with the essentials to life from food to medicine and everything in between.

Image shows collage from Emily of dried flowers and beautiful outdoor adventures in Hitra. Peep at her cleaning up trash on her hike!

Q&A with Laura

Q: What is your favorite way(s) to spend time in nature?

A: My favorite moments outdoors consist of taking my dog on quiet trail walks. It's so peaceful and relaxing to hear the leaves rustling and let him walk beside me off-leash. Being outdoors is so refreshing, I feel recharged after spending quality time outdoors!

Q: What are some simple ways/practices you practice in your daily life to better serve the Earth?

A: I try to be mindful of the waste I create, even in small ways and try to limit. For example, I always opt-in to receive digital versus paper receipts, I avoid over-washing my clothes, and use re-usable containers/bags for everything. I believe that being more eco-friendly is often in the little details of living. On their own, these small things may seem minor, but make all the difference together!

Q: Share some of the things you love most about the Earth and nature.

A: I grew up with nature being a very important part of my upbringing. My family retreated almost every weekend into nature, without wifi, and cell service. I've always found such a deep comfort in nature and how it brings you closer with others and yourself too! I think in life we often seek to have more, but to be happy, nature has taught me that happiness is often found in the simpler moments. Connectivity is so important and it's ironic being in a time where we are so beyond connected via internet and socials, because I find all of that actually makes me feel less connected. Being in nature and outdoors has always made me feel more "me" and closer to those I am with.

Image shows collage from Laura of dried flowers and beautiful outdoor scenery.

The Earth is what we all have in common.

No time is better than the present to celebrate the Earth and show her how much you care! Need some ideas? Here's some simple things you can do!

  • Support Local Farmers
  • Use Local Transport when you can
  • Say "YES" to thrifting! (I love sharing clothes with my friends when we're all in need of a new look)

  • Start Composting
  • Grow a backyard farm or grow fresh herbs on your windowsill.
  • Reduce your plastic consumption and use re-usable containers!

Let's do our part!

Let's be real, the Earth isn't doing too well with the many environmental issues going on. That's why it's important now, more than ever, to do what you can! Reduce your waste by switching from single-use products to reusable ones. Repurpose items to get more out of them. Recycle materials to reduce what ends up in landfills. All these little things add up and help keep the Earth looking it's best!

Shop our Eco-Friendly Collection

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1 comment

  • Gretchen RAMOS

    I absolutely loved reading the q and a’s for for each person! Ashley, every time I drive home from Hilo. It’s always dark. I end up pulling off the side of the road a couple times to just gaze at the stars. It is such an amazing feeling the peacefulness, it’s the beauty, it takes me away and I have to stop to absorb as much as I can.
    I love the the Crimson tavernorlando brand… I love the aloha and what Hitra has.
    Mahalo Nui Loa!

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